Often, teens turn to drugs when they are bored and have little supervision. Many parents have to work long hours, sometimes at more than one job to make ends meet. Many young people are left with lots of time, little activity, and minimal supervision. As parents, we need to make sure our kids are on the right track. Here are some of the things we can do:

  • Give information: Make sure your kids know the power and danger of drugs.
  • Share knowledge: Know where your kids are going, who they will be with, and what kind of supervision there will be.
  • Keep it real: Maintain open communication. Watch for behavior changes. Listen.
  • Keep them busy: Help them to get a job, arrange activities with friends, trips to see family, etc.
  • Love them: Show them how much you care, and give them praise for the good things they do.
  • Be a good example: And if you need professional help, seek it.